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AP Asset Management is an independent strategic investment house, our commitment to Wealth Preservation, Income Growth and Real Absolute Returns are at the heart of our Investment Philosophy. We provide flexible and innovative asset management solutions and advisory services to our clients, a group comprising governments, sovereign wealth funds and high net worth individuals.


As an independent asset manager we are able to focus entirely on our clients' needs and investment objectives. It allows our investment ideas to be truly independent and select best in class partners. In short, it enables us to remain focused on our clients' long-term results without the obligation to appease shareholders' short-term profits.


We provide clients with a diverse range of investment strategies and exposure to solid investment opportunities; diversified by asset class and geography, but delivered from a central platform. Working in close partnership with leading institutions and key advisors ensures that each investment has a dedicated team of outstanding professionals with the specific product and regional expertise.

"AP Asset Management’s business model, which is centered exclusively on independent, strategic asset management ensures everything we do is in the best interest of the client. Our investment platform combines a core team with global partners, providing us with local knowledge and a global reach. Preserving capital for future generations should always be at the heart of asset management."



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Our Approach

Our Approach

At AP Asset Management we acknowledge that no single asset manager or investment house can have a monopoly on investment professionals or ideas across every sector and in every region.


Our approach combines our in-house expertise and management experience with a global network of trusted external specialists when required. Being an independent asset manager gives us the freedom to select best in class advisors and partners to ensure that our clients receive the best possible service and have access to the best oportunitites without the usual associated costs.


This approach enables us to react quickly and effectively to subtle changes in market sentiment and sectors globally, without disruption or delay. 

"The cornerstone of asset management is long term capital appreciation underpinned by wealth preservation. Our clients entrust to us the wealth of future generations and our core philosophy of partnership with them based upon simplicity, integrity and transparency is fundamental to establishing this trust. We are fortunate to have an industry leading senior management team with a proven track record operating at the highest levels. Their approach is rooted in our core investment objective of delivering real absolute returns."



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  • Asset Management

  • Trading

  • Investment

  • Private Equity

  • Advisory

  • Real Estate



AP Asset Management

84 Brook Street | London W1K 5EH


For general enquiries, please complete the following contact form 


In preparation for Brexit, scheduled to be on the 29th March 2019, AP Asset Management has decided to close its UK operational centre in order to mitigate any potential disruptions and is in the process of moving it to Jersey, one of the world's leading international finance centres. Acknowledged by the OECD, World Bank and IMF, Jersey has one of the world's most robust legal and regulatory frameworks.

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